'Men Need Daughters More Than They Need Sons'

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of the first things every one said to me when they found out I was pregnant with my son (my second) was this: "Your husband must be thrilled!" This was soon followed by: "Every man needs a son" and a host of other cliched responses to a male-bearing pregnancy that started to make my skin crawl by the end. Why is it that my husband -- a man who was madly in love with our little girl -- "needed" a son so badly?

It turns out? He didn't. In fact, new research revealed by the New York Times last weekend reveals that daughters (not sons) actually make men better. Daughters make them more generous, more likely to think of others first, and generally more sharing. It's not really that surprising.'

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We'll see if they actually post it:

'First rule of life: Never believe what the NYT dishes up re relations betw. the sexes. It's run by a committed radical feminist. If a study signed by every member of the APA said men were "made better" by having sons vs. daughters, it'd never make it to print in the NYT.

Aside that, I'll tell ya what men need more even than daughters: they need, if they're going to be married and/or have kids, mates who aren't pushing some kind of gender ideology agenda on them or their kids. They also sure as heck don't need their wives or the NYT telling them what they need in terms of kids or anything else. More often as not, it's been my experience, they do just fine being dads esp. when not being criticized, coached, prodded, and patronized by wives, sisters, and even complete strangers in places like parks and stores. They need to just plain be left in peace to be the dads they naturally are fine at being, esp. when not being constantly interfered with by well-meaning but controlling/neurotic wives.

That's what they need.'

Update: Pleasantly surprised; they actually published it!

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I wish I could like or upvote your comment, Matt. That was out of the park.

That study about the presence of female family members making men more generous fails to take into account the fact that thanks to gender ideologues viewing girls as being completely helpless children, they tend to behave this way, expecting mom and dad to do everything for them. It also fails to realize that Mom and Dad are naturally more inclined to do more for their daughters than for their sons.

So, I'm not sure if female family members make men more generous, or if they just expect them to do more for them, and men just naturally comply. The latter is how I would interpret it.

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