The 19 dead AZ firefighters identified as "men and women"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The 19 firefighters killed in an Arizona wildfire over the weekend were all part of an elite unit of 20 frontline firefighters. All but one of the firefighters from the Granite Mountain Hotshots unit were killed in a blaze that spread quickly through the town of Yarnell.
These men truly are an elite group of firefighters as they trek through the woods to reach the fires unobtainable by road. They carrying 40 to 50 lbs of firefighting gear with them. The firefighters in this group sleep out on the front lines as they develop the lines and try to protect homes from the fire.

The 19 firefighters killed from in the Granite Mountain Hotshots were all young, brave and very dedicated men and women.'

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So it's not PC to imagine that a group of ppl cast as heroes could be exclusively male. Despite reality, words must be "recast" and news "revised" to fit political correctness.

Like I said in my comment in the preceding post, by 2100, WWII will have been won by Allied women fighting Axis men.

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The urge to steal the accomplishments and sacrifices of men, and make then look like they came from women is disgusting. This is yet another reason for men to reject the role of sacrificing hero... let the women burn.

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Men Don't Exist in news coverage if they've done something good, only if they've done something bad. ManWomanMyth nails it in the afore-linked video that shows the misandry in the stereotyping words cherry-picked for news stories.

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