The ever-expanding definition of rape

Here is an article detailing the expanding definition of rape to cover even intercourse after consent has been given.

As shown in the outlined court case, even if you pull out within a few seconds after she says 'stop', you can still be convicted of first-degree rape. The only rational choice that remains is to avoid sex altogether.

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If you go to your states's attorney general's web site, you will be able to look up the actual rape laws, the verbatim statute.

Most all states provide a 30 day window "after-the-act" for a woman to file a charge of rape. (This typically includes marital rape as well.)

So, in essence, all women already have legal coercion over any man she has sex with; and her subjective "feelings" are in fact the test of proof sufficient to bring the case to trial.

Illinois (my home state) is especially pivileged to have a feminazi state's attorney (Ms. Lisa Madigan) -- she's a portent of what will happen all over the U.S. if Hillary is elected.

A pre-screw consent form is not any longer a far-fetched idea for self-protection!

Just don't buy her a drink before she signs it!

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Obviously, "nookie" is the most valuable and precious goddamned thing in the whole wide world so why not have this fact universally recognized and use it to backup the currency thus keeping inflation in check? Gold and silver are too scarce to backup modern day currencies and using the Gross National Product just doesn't really work. So, if all the twats in the nation were registered with the Treasury that registration roster could be used in lieu of specie to stabilize the dollar. Playboy Enterprises could even be commissioned to design the new currency (with Hillary Clinton's mug on the front of course!) and the old fashioned and trite term of "bucks" for dollar amounts could be retired and "f**ks" substituted in its place.

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Note the age of the convicted. This is unbeliavable.

I could think of reasons for withdrawing consent, but certainly, none of them applied here.

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Luek, you're sick, twisted, and perverted.
-- I really like that about you!

With the trade deficit being what it is, we'd be rid of all our woman troubles in no time under your idea. Once they were gone, the trade deficit would end, and we could start making the few things we actually need again. Brilliant.

Of course, we'd have to keep a few of `em around in order to make sure all the Hooters stayed 'manned'... And I'd propose we keep the four gals from "The View" in place, because seeing them forever yapping away at a big empty room would serve as a good quick refresher for any potential backsliders which may arise from time to time.

* MB

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Haha, thanks for the laugh, guys. Sometimes you need it when perusing this site!

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What the hell does Hillary have to do with this, you right-wing redneck conservative fuck? Can't you assholes stay on topic w/o shiting in your pants? Guess not! And you wonder why no one takes our cause seriously. It's because of assholes like you!

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What the hell does Hillary have to do with this, you right-wing redneck conservative fuck? Can't you assholes stay on topic w/o shiting in your pants? Guess not! And you wonder why no one takes our cause seriously. It's because of assholes like you!

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Time to up your meds, bro'!

But, kudos for properly spelling your 44 words comprising your theory of everything.

Write more please.

But, try t-h-i-n-k-i-n-g before next post!

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OMG! Looks like Bert has been reincarnated as sbr58!

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