US plans to give SA an extra $10m for male circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'THE US government has allocated an extra $10m for male circumcision in South Africa, highlighting the change it has made to funding programmes that are expected to have a long-term effect on the progression of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

The additional money comes as the US is cutting back support to South Africa’s HIV/AIDS programmes, moving money away from nongovernmental organisations that have provided services such as treatment, and shifting the funds to technical support.

The baseline funding from the US President’s Emergency Programme for Aids Relief (Pepfar) for South Africa for fiscal year 2013 was $520m, of which $36m was for male circumcision. The new money brings total US support for male circumcision in South Africa to $46m this year.'

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and give it away to people who despise us, for a cause
that is idiotic. hmmm, sounds like our illegitimate Kenyan is hunkering down
on our eventual destruction.

irony: the same halfwit bunch (the young, women, minorities, etc.) who put this class of clowns in power are the very ones, along w/their children/'s children's children) that will be taxed and taxed and taxed to pay all this borrowed $$ back someday soon enough. i see my country dissolving into third world status right before my aging eyes, on purpose, and w/ malice toward all.

what a bunch of maroons.

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... aside even from the fact that men are being duped/coerced into getting parts of their penises cut off is that it will have NO EFFECT on HIV spread. It's obvious to anyone w/ a brain.

1) A man w/ HIV spreads it by ejaculating into another person. This has nothing to do w/ him being circumcised.
2) A man can get HIV largely either by having HIV-containing body fluids put into his body via oral/anal sex or by a woman's vaginal fluids (or woman's/man's rectal environment) containing HIV getting into him through his penile opening (this method unaffected by his circumcised state) or through micro- or larger skin fissures on his penis. That last has *nothing* to do w/ his circumcised state. The exact same amt. of skin contact by surface area is made regardless of foreskin presence because only the surface circumferal size of penis skin is making contact with the anal/vaginal surface. The skin of the man making this contact can be foreskin or shaft skin; it makes no difference.

In short: It's bullsh*t.

Worse still, since the money's going to useless circumcisions and not actually useful things like sex education and condoms, ppl will continue to falsely believe that men being circumcised actually mitigates their chances of getting HIV, thereby encouraging their current unsafe-sex behavior, and only continuing the spread of HIV.

Your tax dollars at work.

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