France studies gender equality overhaul

Article here. Excerpt:

'Proposed measures include docking maternity leave from couples if fathers fail to take proper leave too, enabling courts to accelerate restraining orders, trials and compulsory "awareness-raising courses" for violent male partners. The law also envisages providing females considered under threat of violence with free emergency mobile phones to alert police.

Divorced men who fail to pay alimony could see the owed funds taken directly from their social benefits.

Companies that fail to respect gender equality could be excluded from public contract tenders, while sports federations will also face penalties for shunning equality. Fines on political parties failing to respect gender parity in legislative elections will be doubled. Currently only 26 per cent of French MPs are women.

The law also plans to create a special broadcast sexism watchdog, whose aim is to erase "degrading stereotypes" and ensure women are better represented across the board.
The law will also extend the definition of what constitutes "psychological violence" within a couple – a crime punishable by a three-year prison term - to include "behaviour and words" as well as "acts".'

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... it'll be just in time for the French translation of "Men On Strike". :)

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So, basically, they want to turn France into a socialist state, but one where women get preferential treatment by the government, while men get the shaft. Degrading stereotypes in the media exist against men too, especially the stereotype that violence against men is funny. And what is this about being able to send a man to prison for "behaviour and words"? Ever heard of free speech? Then again, what do you expect from a country where men get fined tens of thousands of euros for trying to get a paternity test? France clearly couldn't care less about father's rights, they'd rather just pay it lip service. I hope this bill gets struck down, and if it doesn't, I hope French men have to sense to either oust the government that introduced this nonsense, or to move. I have never been more ashamed to be part French than I am right now.

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"Divorced men who fail to pay alimony could see the owed funds taken directly
from their social benefits."

Because nothing says equality like forcing one group of people to pay another one for being the opposite gender. What a joke! A real equality bill would get rid of allimony, not enforce it even more.

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