State Farm's "State of Unrest" ad appeals to cheating husband stereotype

Have to admit, this ad has comedic value. But not quite that much. And any chuckle you might get from it comes from an appeal to the skulking cheater husband stereotype. Would State Farm ever have even considered this script with the sexes reversed?

Contact form for State Farm is here. Twitter handle is @StateFarm if you prefer that or want to double-down on your complaint.

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it's not like he's actually being portrayed as a cheater. It's more about how easily and quickly people jump to conclusions about men that are outright wrong. And truthfully, I'd rather not see a commercial with the sexes reversed, as I suspect the man would be portrayed as even more abusive and domineering (than this woman comes off)... plus, the oversensitive in the men's movement (as feminists do) would start winging about how the man is being made to look the idiot (again)). offense can be found in anything. becoming the oversensitive can't be pleased type, like feminists, is not the solution.

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I considered the "oversensitivity angle". But then I also thought that indeed, this ad would never have been made if the script were flipped. To me, that's a big test. You'd never see the wife portrayed this way.

But if you or anyone else don't want to contact State Farm re the ad, you don't have to. There's no requirement from on high to do anything. :)

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I do think they would be willing to reverse the sexes, with the woman whispering and the man bumbling in, thinking his wife is cheating, acting all the fool, meanwhile, the wife is telling the truth and the husband comes off looking like an idiot. But I think if they did that, there would be even more outrage for, yet again, portraying men as controlling fools who can't tell the difference between a man and woman's voice, and judges appearances by the sound of a voice.

Seriously. Tell me how they could present this add in any way that COULN'T be claimed to be portraying men in a negative manner? Quite frankly, I think claiming this is portraying men as cheaters, when the guy ISN'T cheating, his wife merely made the assumption, is a positive message for men. It says, dont't make such hostile assumptions about a man's motives, sometimes, as strange as it looks, men aren't doing anything wrong... it's just in your head. how exactly is that a bad thing?

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We just differ in opinion on this, that's all. I don't think they'd've made a script-flipped ad like this, and you do. But I wonder, if they were challenged to actually do so, would they? Again, I don't think they would.

But as I said, it's a matter of opinion. I will agree that to those paying attention to everything in the ad, it also makes the wife character look bad in the way she jumps to her conclusion. It all leverages on the cheating-husband routine though.

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I have to agree with Kratch on this one. If anything, it's refreshing to see the one trying to make a fool of the man being made a fool herself. The ad even made me chuckle a bit.

As for the genders being reversed, I honestly can't see why it wouldn't work with the wife on the phone, or on the internet talking with a state farm agent instead. Even in this case, I wouldn't be offended by the man getting egg on his face by being jealous. Just my two cents.

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Like I told Kratch, hop on board whatever train you like, let the ones you don't pass by. There's always another train comin' down the track...

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Rather than being a swipe at men and men cheating, I see this as a swipe at women who are in long-term relationships with men, and their hyper-sensitivity and insecurity, their jealousy and controlling natures.

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