Updates on the O2/Symantec censorship issue

An update from John Kimble:

I thought it was time to update people on the progress that we've made on the issue of O2/Symantec censoring and defaming men's human rights sites.

Firstly I want to thank everyone who had blogged about this issue, it's fantastic to see it discussed in so many different places and even in different languages. I thought this article on Trigger Alert was particularly good and Tom Golden has written a nice piece on AVoiceForMen, too. There's a even Youtube video helping bring the message to a wider audience which I thoroughly recommend viewing and also plenty of material over at Fathers for Life.

I've written several new articles further investigating the issue which are essential viewing, for example highlighting some extreme feminists sites that aren't blocked, how feminists get their sites unblocked, and how O2/Symantec even treat men's rights websites as more hateful than far right groups. I also contacted ISP Review who wrote a good article on the issue which led to Symantec blocking a radical feminist site.

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Perhaps #SymantecCensorship .

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