Military analyst: Women in front-line combat opens door for draft

Article here. Excerpt:

'A military analyst says the plan to allow women in front-line combat units could subject them to a future draft, and Congress should start paying attention.

Women are currently exempt from the draft because they are not involved in direct ground combat, says Center for Military Readiness president Elaine Donnelly, citing a 1981 U.S. Supreme Court ruling.

"It is most unfortunate that Congress is allowing the Obama administration to lay the legal groundwork for selective service obligations to be imposed on unsuspecting civilian women on the same basis as men," says Donnelly. "This would include a future draft."'

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... rig the req'ts for qualifying for ground combat positions so ambitious female officers can get into them (and get that all-important CIB ticket punched so they can qualify for the next promo) but puhhleeze, never imagine to *compel* a female soldier or draftee to serve in a combat role!

Women: Rights
Men: Obligations

But seriously, does anyone think a draft call today would work too well? What group of Congressoids would dare even try to activate it after the past 10+ yrs. of constant warfare? Would a US president even try?

For the time being and foreseeable future, re-activating the draft is utterly academic a question. Maybe not in 2030 or so, but I still doubt its likelihood of success, much less anyone in DC having the will to get behind it. If it were to be something that even could be done w/ a degree of likely success, let's just say I think things in the world would have to get a LOT worse than they are now. That'd be a real bad state we'd be in.

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Why am I not surprised that rape hysteria is being used to try and justify, yet more double standards. That when the equality bat feminists have been beating men over the head with for decades is turned around on something they don't want equal, rape hysteria rears it's ugly head to try and block the stem of progress.

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