We've made strides under Title IX, but the question remains: Is it equal?

Article here. Excerpt:

'There's no question that Title IX has been abused - see any of the hundreds of men's sports teams that have been disbanded as a result of the landmark law as examples. Title IX was supposed to provide opportunity to women, not take it away from men - but the way various federal agencies interpret Title IX, as a de facto quota system, has had a huge impact on men's sports, mainly at the collegiate level.

It's neither the fault of athletes nor educators that spectator interest level just isn't there for women's sports. An easy comparison is the NBA and its sister league, the WNBA. The male team that has the worst attendance still draws nearly twice as many fans as the WNBA's league average, which has dropped steadily since the women's game came into being in 1999.'

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The complaining and demands for more, more, more, I mean. Trust me, it'll never end. There could be one men's team on a campus with 20 women's teams and if the men's team gets a "better" practice time than any of the women's teams for just one day, it'll be cause for mass protests/claims of sexism.

The Grand Goal is to get males out of higher ed. It won't end until that goal is reached.

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Maybe we should do like Kevin Baugh.

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Never heard of him or "micronations" before but it looks like it could be good fun.

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