O2/Symantec now blocking 100 MR sites

Article here. Via email from the article author:

"Relatively new additions of particular note includes the likes of Daddyjustice.com, Fathers 4 Justice Quebec, dvmen.co.uk, and even UK men's political party Justice for Men and Boys (and the women who love them). Therefore we have not just censorship and defamation by O2/Symantec, but denial of help to abuse vicitms and interference in the democratic process too.
Earlier this month I identified a number of additional companies using the Rulesapce filter that causes men's human rights sites to be censored. Whilst some of these companies do at least only use it as an opt in option rather than something that has to be disable, the fact is that every single one regards criticism of feminist and human rights for men as "hate". Even libraries and schools are using the Rulespace filter, so this censorship of your site is now party government funded too!
Contacting O2 really does have an impact. Ten sites have already been unblocked, many due to my contact with O2, so please utilise as many means as possible for putting them under pressure. It's well worth emailing Ronan.Dunne-at-o2.com (O2's CEO) as you will at least get a rather interesting reply, the company is highly active on Twitter and will respond should you tweet you concerns to @O2. This is just as important as emailing due to the public nature of Twitter. Internet filtering is a growing phenomena, for example recently the UK government has promoted to filter public wi-fi spots and an increasing number of ISPs are introducing filters on the list, therefore any sites on the "hate" list can expect to see increasing numbers of people denied access to their work in future.'

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Not on this topic, but just generally, I wanted to thank the contributors and administrators of this site for having the balls to go against the dominant ideology and to advocate for men's issues. I know I posted some rambling - even misogynist - stuff in the comment boxes for the posts. I'm not really sorry about this. I work in higher education where feminists and their mangina minions ruthlessly patrol the boundaries of gender orthodoxy, flatly denying and organizing scrutiny around anyone who criticizes their ideas. If it were not for this and a few other men's sites I respect I would get no counter narrative to gender studies at all.

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I don't know how you do it. I'd be barfing on shoes every 10 minutes what with all the assininity that passes for "higher ed" these days.

To continue off-topic, look at this: http://www.insidehighered.com/quicktakes/2013/05/03/san-jose-state-university-faculty-pushes-back-against-edx

Forgive me but my sympathy for the profs is limited. Where were these champions of "social justice" as esp. humanities profs claim to be when 100s of 1000s of jobs were and still are being eliminated due to computerized automation? Rifkin addressed the loss of jobs due to computerization/automation in "The Decline of Work". Robt. Reich also wrote a couple books addressing the damage to people's lives that automation and computerization was doing by rendering them effectively "redundant" in the economy. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.'s "Player Piano" now seems prophetic. All the stuff was there to sound the alarm and stand up for those getting shafted. But where were they all this time? Silent. Not a word. Now, the automation devil has showed up at their door and they're crying foul.

Tough. Remember the poem attributed to Martin Niemöller, a supporter of Hitler until he was arrested and sent to a concentration camp for disagreeing with Hitler's decisions around appointments to Nazi-sponsored church leadership positions. (Niemöller may well not have written it, given his loyalties.) It's the one that goes like this:

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me."

And that's how it goes, professors. Suck it up like the rest of us.

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Solidarity with all the UK men getting cut off from the resources they need to wake up.

Your knowledge about the changing character of the economy is admirable. Being around a group of academics is like being around a group of little children whose whole purpose is to argue endlessly, having lost sight of what it was they were after in the first place. The only way to make progress is to be solitary because in any situation where cooperation happens it is warped by a political agenda. When I think of the older boomer generation of academics, I don't really think of them as men. Many of them are queers but that is not the concern. The concern is the ease with which they entered a booming sector of the economy when wealth was being spread around. Now that the money has dried up, these old vampires are just living into late senior years, sucking on pensions and the capital they saved and invested in their decades long careers.

To be taken seriously as an intellectual you must teach 7 courses a year and read 10-15 book chapters or journal articles a week.

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