Men are stupid, Samsung says
Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2013-05-22 21:05
Story here. Excerpt:
'Flatulent, dirty, couch-bound, unkempt, and unevolved: It’s Samsung’s new view of men.
A new ad for Samsung televisions portrays men as dirty slobs, just a half step up from cavemen -- and it has the more evolved members of the male species crying foul.
“That's probably one of the most vile adverts I've ever seen,” wrote one outraged user on a Reddit forum dedicated to men’s rights. “This isn't the normal IV drip of laughing at men; this is simply mainlining outright contempt.”
“Are they trying to alienate their primary consumer base?” another person asked.'
Ad on YouTube here.
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Feel free to tell them they suck, why they suck, and how you won't buy their crap.
I haven't even bothered to
I haven't even bothered to look at the ad. The few seconds on Youtube told me all I needed to know before I skipped the ad.
As for telling them, I will.
I will tell them by giving my money to another manufacturer.
E-mail sent to Samsung
Hello this is the e-mail i´ve sent to SAMSUNG Headquarters and US, from México City.
Best Regards to All!
"I´ve just seen your add about some SMART TV degradating males, as caveman, and idiots, this is psychological violence against male gender did you know?
Be more careful about this issues for the rest of the product advertising, in the meantime you´ve lost an entire family as clients. And most women think the same, sexism as racism don´t sell.
An angry ex customer."