'IRS Persecution Is A War On Women'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Forget “binders full of women” — the IRS’s persecution of hundreds of tea party groups is the real war on women. I co-founded the movement in my hometown of St. Louis and have travelled the country with various tea party groups and I’ve seen it first hand: the tea party movement was predominately led by women. It isn’t a slight to our men; in speech after speech I mentioned how the nation’s men have been neutralized in this fight by the left’s ridiculous identity politics and bunk sexism claims. I’ve opined more than once “My husband can’t hit a girl, but I can.” It’s the truth — and it’s why women raised up from around the country to lead the charge.

That’s why this IRS scandal is all the more stunning. If the left can claim that Romney’s “binders full of women” remark is indicative of a festering female hatred on the right, if they can claim that the demand for grown women to pay for their own preventative pregnancy sexual recreation pills is a sign that conservatives hate women, then the IRS going all Spanish Inquisition on groups of a female-led movement is the war of all wars on women.'

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What exactly to say? Well, maybe just this: politics is at the root of everything, ultimately. Hitler was aggressively anti-homosexual in his policies, arresting, murdering, etc. even merely-suspected gay men and lesbians, amongst many millions of his other victims-- unless they were loyal to him and served his cause. Hermann Goring was a well-known transvestite (which was typically enough to get the typical such man arrested and sent to a camp) but because of his unswerving loyalty to Hitler and role in creating the Gestapo, he was made the highest-ranking military officer of the Reich until he proved incapable of fulfilling his boss' instructions. Still, unlike others who failed Hitler, he was allowed to "retire" until the Allies got hold of him and gave him what he so richly deserved: a death sentence. He beat them to it by committing suicide before being hung.

Politics. Ideology can go hang.

What this means is it matters not if every member of the Tea Party movement is female. If they're also Republicans, the Dems will try to find a way to get the better of them. That's politics. It's just that in America, it's a no-no to apply governmental law enforcement or related machinery to the task. When that starts happening, we start going down a very slippery slope indeed.

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If it was a "war on women", it was also led by one, apparently: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2013/05/irs-official-in-charge-during-tea-party-targeting-now-runs-health-care-office/

And she's now in charge of the whole Obamacare thing as it intersects with IRS. Wow, just imagine what the next two years'll look like!

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