Congresswoman: ‘Survival as a species dependent on women taking charge’

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the lead up to the 2012 election, there was plenty of focus on the so called “war on women” that, in reality, existed only in the minds of Democratic campaign strategists and a complicit media, but is there a real “war” underway in America directed at members of the opposite sex?

According to Democratic U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky, not only is such a conflict happening, but the very existence of the human race is dependent on the outcome.

At a campaign fundraiser earlier this month, Schakowsky openly advocated for women “taking charge,” according to CNS News.

While speaking at a Planned Parenthood Action Fund event on May 3, dubbed ”The Ultimate Women’s Power Lunch,” she said:

“Today I am asserting that humanity is at a crossroads on this small planet and that our survival as a species is dependent on women taking charge, taking the world in our own hands.”

Doesn’t get much clearer than that.'

Also, watch the vid here.

Wikipedia on Jan Schakowsky

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Last I knew, it was all about equality-- equal opportunities for women in all spheres, including politics. Nothing wrong with that.

Nothing in "classic feminism" about women categorically "taking charge"-- well, times have changed and so have feminists!

But I wonder, just exactly how would a categorical matriarchy in government and business bring about the world's salvation? Would the laws of supply and demand change? Would demand for goods that require the use of not-so-green energy sources suddenly dry up? Would there be less crime, addiction, delinquincy, or conflict among ppl or even between nations yet even if every PM and president and lawmaker in the world were female?

Would there be less malnutrition and hunger?

Can't see it. But maybe I just don't have the same "vision" some ppl have.

To be fair though, I can see how she may have come to view men as somehow "dangerous" to even the civilization they created, esp. if her view of "men" comes largely from life with her old man who did time in the pokey and lived under house arrest for fraud and tax evasion. (Note she was on the Board and also signed the filing documents but curiously faced no charges herself.) Well, you can't always be sure your mate won't do something to embarrass you in life, though this was a bit worse than him accidentally spilling a drink on the host of the party.

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let's hurry and let poor, poor, victimized and totally deserving women completely rule the world. after all, they have done so well with things they already control, like marriage, and abortion, and the family. my g'g'grdaddy always said if women ever get the vote we would someday have a bunch of morons and commies running the country, and the courts. oh well.

guess if we keep giving them special privileges in the world (affirmative action, government free stuff by the boatload, etc.) they will eventually be in the power seats everywhere, maybe, someday, somewhere.

evidently we are not supposed to notice that they have created/invented about as much needed scientific stuff as we have men who have carried babies to term.

if we have learned anything in the past 5 years, its not about actually being deserving or competent in a position of power, its about giving out getting free $tuff.

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