UK: Is 'lad culture' causing a surge in student feminist societies?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The feminist label still sits uncomfortably with some, particularly those who feel as if men are being demonised by feminists on campus. Katie, a third-year student at Cambridge University recalls a Reclaim the Night march last year, organised by the women's campaign at the university, where she was asked to hold a banner that read "Men beat eggs not women."

"I refused. It [the march] was meant to be about keeping everyone safe but it was turned into something rather different. A couple of my male friends came onto the march and were disgusted by it."

"I like that we have women's officers, they fight for good things, but they often fight in such a way that alienates those they seek to represent. Being a feminist should be something you can say with pride; I don't feel like it is a lot of the time."'

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It's AKA being an immature adolescent. But guess what, adolescent boys have been immature for countless centuries-- and so have adolescent girls. Maybe not quite the same way, but it's there. Now do I condone adolescent boys saying rude and insulting things abt their female classmates? No. Neither do I condone it going the other way.

Going from "boys are rude and insulting to girls" to "boys are girl-beaters", however, is a big leap. Conflating issues in an effort to vilify another group is a tried and true method of demonizing that group and confusing others into giving them your support. Tried and true.

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