Millionaire parent doesn't have to pay child support: appeals court

Article here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK (Reuters) - A father who has custody of his child the majority of the year was not obligated to make support payments to the child's mother, despite the vast disparity in their incomes, a divided New York state appeals court ruled Thursday.

The Appellate Division, First Department, found that the Child Support Standards Act of 1989 precluded mother Mara Rubin from receiving child support payments from Anthony Della Salla, the father of her 9-year-old son.

Rubin has no income other than $5,000 a month in pendente lite child support payments from Della Salla, and an additional $1,000 in child support payments from the father of her daughter, the ruling said. Della Salla has roughly $20 million in assets, the ruling said.

The Child Support Standards Act sets out a uniform formula for determining child support payments. The law says that "the court shall order the non-custodial parent to pay" his or her share of that amount.'

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Babies shouldn't be used as ATMs by their mothers (or fathers). If the mother is not the CP, she has ZERO claim to any child support. Funny, I am sure these sex roles have been reversed and there's been little controversy. A non-CP father w/ little income claiming C/S for a child from a better-off mother would be (and has been) laughed out of court. I imagine however this ruling will be met with great gnashing of teeth.

Babies aren't ATMs. Anyone who treats them like that (or tries to) demonstrates by that fact their unfitness for parentage.

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This looks good on paper for us guys however, what we don't see is what the scenario will look like in 20-30 years. We have seen a shift in NCP getting breaks in egregious child support orders and dick-dastardly alimony. In fact, Florida just passed a bill to give breaks to those paying alimony.

The catch to this is for many years in history, the guy has been basically denigrated down to a servant due to CS and alimony payments, now that women will soon be taking over much of the bread winning role and NCP, the breaks that men have suffered from and getting changed to something close to a fair ruling, the women will be the ones who benefit the most.

Yet again, the hard work of men make things easier in the long run and the women are the ones who will benefit.......and the men will, again, deal with the disadvantage, but on the other side of the parenting role now.

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