Do Male Leaders Need to Think More Like Women?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The world is getting sick of male – or least “masculine” – leadership, according to a survey of 64,000 people in 13 countries that underpins the new book The Athena Doctrine: How Women (and the Men Who Think Like Them) Will Rule the World. As authors John Gerzema and Michael D’Antonio discovered, 66% of adults agreed that “the world would be a better place if men thought more like women” – including 63% of men worldwide and an astounding 79% of Japanese males. Yet men, of course, continue to dominate corporate leadership and power structures.
But just as 1980s fashion encouraged women to dress like men, replete with shoulder pads, today’s business environment often rewards masculine thinking. “In the corporate workplace, women are conditioned to think that the way they think isn’t valued as highly,” says Gerzema. “But it’s men that have got to adapt to a world that’s far more feminine, social, and collaborative. Feminine values are a form of innovation. If men start to champion the essential skills we saw the innovators [we interviewed] practice, it’ll drive profits and get better results.”'

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... or did no one tell you?

I have another explanation for these "astounding" survey results: misandry and nymphotropism.

Choosing between men and women, who is or would be (if they did it, or did it more) better at the following occupations? (Fill in the blanks):

Homemaker: _____________
Business leader: ____________
Project manager (all kinds): ____________
Computer programmer: _____________
Scientist (all kinds): _____________
Sr. Executive (CEO, etc.): __________
Refuse collector: ___________
Soldier (all branch equivalents): __________
Inventor: __________

Answers: WOMEN!

They're better at everything, categorically, hands-down. That settles that!

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...but all I can say is F*CK women! All women, you can go screw yourselves, including the likes of Kris who posts here, GirlWriteWhat, Typhonblue, and all the other female infiltrators into the MRM.

Women are the enemy of men - we need to start treating them that way.

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@sirprince, there are men who are enemies to their own gender, and there are women who are our best allies. I would put many women, including those who you mentioned, into the latter category.

In my opinion, this isn't about men versus women, it's about equal rights and fair treatment for both sexes.

I find the women in my life to be a blessing (as well as the men). I really hope that you are able to say the same some day.

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I like her comments, she's fair and insightful. We need to embrace our female supporters, not attack them. There could be women right now who visit MANN and like our message. They might even be debating whether or not to join but who could blame them if they decide not to out of fear they'll be bullied by other members. Women are allies, not enemies.

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Nonsense. Kris is a troll; the only comments she ever posts are for the purpose of trying to steer discussions towards how women are victims, or how best to promote women's rights. Just like all the so-called "female MRAs" who seek to steer the MRM into becoming feminism-lite she can only talk about how she is affected as a woman.

But I am not here to debate with you or anyone else. Our female "supporters" are the worst thing ever to happen to the MRM. And as for any other women who read this or other MRM sites then all I can say to you is your input is not welcome; I and other men can see right through you and I do not trust you.

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Who would be the better human? Funny,there was a 50/50 shot for Eve to make the right decision and not eat of the tree of life, now men are at fault for the destruction of the world. The destruction of civilization started with a woman making decisions on her own and will end the same way. I love women but through my eyes, that's how I see it happening.

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sirprince, calling someone a troll is a personal attack. These aren't allowed. You can disagree with what any member says at any time or even characterize members in unflattering ways, even if it isn't accurate-- so long as it doesn't entail a personal attack. However you can't resort to name-calling/personal attacks. This crossed the line.

This is a warning. Second instance will result in a temporary suspension of posting rights for 3-7 days. A third offense results in indefinite suspension from the site.

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This site is almost moribund anyway. Hardly anyone posts and at least one of those members - Kris - is a troll.

So ban me and see if I care.


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I wouldn't characterize MANN as "moribound". Most readers of MANN don't post comments, but MANN does get tens of thousands of unique sessions per month.

Banning from MANN is very rare. It's only happened a couple times; most times, and I haven't needed to do it recently, after a brief suspension, the member stops behaving the way that breaks the no-personal-attacks rule. Even in these cases, I can count on one hand the number of times I've had to "penalty box" someone.

Speaking of which, sirprince, you reiterated in your comment above that Kris is "a troll". That's the second time you've done that. Your posting rights are suspended for four days.

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MANN is one of the top MRA sites on the net and my personal favorite.

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I am not sure what has sparked the hoopla regarding me as I have not posted at this site for awhile, and the subject of the thread was asking if men need to think more like women to be good leaders. I have always appreciated and respected the way men think, and have always indicated that generally I believe men make better leaders. I would not think this attitude would be controversial here. I am guessing sirprince's opinions of me are based on my past posts and/or my lifestyle as a stay-at-home parent to three children. However, I really don't see how he or anyone could claim I am supporting women's rights.

Thanks to the posters who have showed me support and thanks to those who don't agree with my posts or opinions, but still remain respectful towards me.

If anyone wonders if I am a troll. here is my basic belief and what I try to accomplish with my posts:

I want men and women to be treated fairly. IMO, to achieve this there needs to be an equal need or a co-dependence among the two genders. I can see there is no longer a balance and it negatively effects society. Things are out-of-wack because women have too many legal policies that give them a benefit over men. To top it off, feminists, seem to ignore the favoring policies and firmly believe women are equal or better than men in a never ending list of categories.

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Some people take this stuff way too seriously. I have fun with MANN, nothing here really makes me that angry. Except for the Oprah foreskin cream -- that's weird :)

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