South Africa: 'Luring men to join war against Aids'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men usually receive criticism and blame for failing to co-operate in the fight against Aids and Health Minister Dr Aaron Motsoaledi has been at the forefront of such criticism.

On November 29, 2011 he said: “HIV/Aids is a gender-based disease that is spread by men and suffered by women.”

And on December 1 he said: “In this fight against Aids, men are very slippery. We are trying to find a way to capture them.”

These statements reflect growing frustration over men’s reluctance to be involved in Aids intervention programmes initiated by the government, like HIV testing and use of antiretroviral medicines.

However, we are not told why men are shunning such initiatives; neither are the men encouraged to participate.
We do not have a shortage of research on men and HIV/Aids. The problem is that they are driven by narrow activist agendas of feminist scholars. Researchers regard men chiefly as a “problem”. They view African notions of masculinity as inherently dangerous. This has had a great impact on types of intervention designed for men.'

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And this guy's an MD? Involved in fighting the spread of HIV?

With this kind of "champion", HIV looks like it will continue to have a home in S Africa.

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