Auburn police: Victim in alleged sexual assault filed false report

Story here. Excerpt:

'An alleged sexual assault reported near Auburn University campus last week did not occur, authorities announced Monday.

“We thoroughly investigated it and it didn’t happen,” said Auburn Police Capt. Tom Stofer, who declined to release the identity of the woman that filed the false report.

Stofer also said there will be no charges filed against the 20-year-old woman who was not an Auburn University student and at no time was she or any residents in the area of the alleged incident in any danger.'

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woman after woman goes free or maybe, maybe get charged with some minor infraction, after purposely putting some poor man in harms way, in a BIG way. hurting families, children, and btw, lowly men too. all done so manginas everywhere can kiss some feminist arse. very becoming guys, i'm sure. /sof

that's what i see.

looks like its happening a lot more these days; or, maybe just being reported more these strange days. in many cases, the cops don't even release the names of these monsters. protected species i guess. wonder do the cops even keep up w/ where these abusers live? wonder how many are repeat offenders?

what, closing on 700 men have been found innocent by d.n.a., usually after spending decades behind prison bars? thanks to the "innocence project'. men getting raped by the system at the whims of women/girls who didn't.

guess that's what people mean when they say men are privileged in our society. the list of our similar privileges is long indeed.

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