Women: hitting your man is not cute; it's abuse

Article here. Excerpt:

'A glossy American couple fight over an alleged infidelity, and at one point the hunk involved says something unacceptable in a pique of anger.

Our heroine responds with a slap, right across the face, and the argument ends there.

We've seen Meg Ryan do it, Jennifer Aniston do it, and the most recent example of a whack across the chops I saw was in hipster-com Girls, where friends Elijah (Andrew Rannells) and Marnie (Allison Williams) trade insults over his sexuality before he calls her a bitch and she slaps him, hard.
In short, pop culture gives the impression it is cute, or empowering, or even sexy when women hit men. The scene reversed would carry a single connotation of misogyny and out-of-control male aggression, but here we are expected to laugh, or even to be turned on by these characters' resort to the grim shortcut of violence to deal with problems.

And young women are clearly taking note. It was revealed this week that one in seven women aged 15-22 in the US admits to hitting their partner, compared to just one in twenty men.'

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Here's the story: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/womens-life/9930142/Women-hitting-your-man-is-not-cute-its-abuse.html

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Yes, just saw that too and fixed the link. I try to remember to 2x-check all the hyperlinks I create in the postings but sometimes I forget here and there.

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