Charlotte's percentage of male domestic violence victims rises

Article here. Excerpt:

'CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Women make up the vast majority of domestic violence victims, but last year in Charlotte, one of four victims was a man. That number is higher than the national average.

A Charlotte man who did not want to use his name said he quietly tolerated a year of physical abuse at the hands of his wife.

"When you really care about a person you tend to overlook things, and that's not always in your best interest. In my case, it almost cost me my life," he said.

Nationally, only 15 percent of reported domestic-violence victims are men. But in Charlotte that number was 26 percent in 2012, a slight increase from 24 percent in 2009.'

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It's a start, anyway. Eventually, the real figures will make it into the MSM. But this is some progress. A few yrs. ago, you wouldn't've seen even this much.

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"Nationally, only 15 percent of reported domestic-violence victims are men."


"When you really care about a person you tend to overlook things, and that's not always in your best interest."

As the Charlotte man points out, men don't like to report domestic violence so how many male victims are really out there? His statement shows why crime statistics are NOT reliable indicators of the total numbers of male victims of domestic violence at the hands of wives, girlfriends, significant others, etc.

Also, as shown in Los Misandry at Youtube.

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