Is It Inappropriate For A Nurse To Write On Facebook About Circumcision?

Story here. Excerpt:

'Oh hai, Internet. This post is not an invitation to rage forth in the epic battle about circumcision. I am merely posing a question to you: is it kinda inappropriate for a nurse to write about your kid’s procedures on Facebook? A pediatric nurse in Spokane, Washington, wrote this on her Facebook page, which was apparently set to “public,” and somebody screengrabbed this joke about performing her first circumcision on a baby boy. (The reason it came to my attention is because she is now being lambasted by anti-circumcision activists.)'

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Check out what she wrote: "Did my first circumcision on out I come"

Just freakin' hilarious, nurse Ormand. Ha ha ha.

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Generally there is nothing wrong with a nurse or other health care professional making a comment about their job, as long as it does not identify the patient. Patients have a right to privacy. However in my opinion this specific comment is creepy, and has predator-like undertones which is in poor taste and unprofessional.

She is most likely ignorant about circumcision and influenced by her environment (here in America it is acceptable to joke about circumcision. I watched Billy Crystal on The Tonight Show go pun after pun about his grandson's circ). I have gone through advanced anatomy and physiology classes to become a nurse, and the function of the foreskin was never discussed. According to some videos I have watched at IntactAmerica, even most doctors are unaware. Most American women are under the impression that all men like being circumcised. (I think statistically most circumcised men do like being circumcised)

I hope Intactivist who engage in conversation with her will do so in a way which will allow her to think without becoming too defensive. After all, she is in a position to possibly have an impact. Hopefully she will learn something from this.

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