When 'feminism' becomes sexism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Although I suffer the cultural drawbacks of being born and raised as an Australian male (i.e. to be ‘masculine’), I empathise with Kali Goldstone’s frustrations at the disadvantageous treatment of women in many organisations, to the detriment of both (On Line Opinion February 11, 2013). It is unfortunate, however, that she often relies on and quotes poor science. Here are some more research-based findings.

There are observable differences in the respective structures of male and female brains in some areas (e.g. part of the hypothalamus) and in some brain activities (e.g. women’s brains show a 28-day cycle of certain activities throughout their lives, not observed in men’s brains). This makes sense because women have a biological cycle driven by this, evidenced after puberty and before menopause by cycles of fertility and menstruation. I don’t doubt this difference in brain function is primarily biological in basis and unchangeable by experience.
Kali Goldstone’s scathing comparison of how (some) men approach problem-solving in leadership or management roles with how (some) women approach it is as over-generalised and biased as the same misreporting of gender differences in performance that she understandably attacks. In my opinion, much of her article is as sexist, probably unconsciously so, as the straw arguments she attacks and the defensive rebuttals she will elicit, from men who are just as unconscious of how sexist they have been taught to be.'

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Well, something's better than nothing. Too bad the author had to do some self-flaggelation and denouncing-of-males, but at least he called Kali Goldstone out on her biases.

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