Germany: Minister of Education resigns after plagiarism scandal

How ironic: the Education Minister busted for cheating! You can't make this stuff up! So at the risk of being accused of schadenfreude, here it is. It's like the old joke about the atheist who became a priest. Anyway, there is this notion that females are less likely to cheat or be academically or generally dishonest than males. It's reports such as these that show such ideas for what they are: hogwash. Excerpt:

'BERLIN — For 32 years, the German education minister’s 351-page dissertation sat on a shelf at Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf gathering dust while its author pursued a successful political career that carried her to the highest circles of the German government.

The academic work was a time bomb, however, and it exploded last year when an anonymous blogger published a catalog of passages suspected of having been lifted from other publications without proper attribution.

The university revoked the doctorate of the minister, Prof. Dr. Annette Schavan, on Tuesday (she retains the title pending appeal), and on Saturday she was forced to resign her cabinet post. It was the second time a minister had resigned from the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel over plagiarism in less than two years.'

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I work in a female dominated academic department and cheating amongst our students is rampant. One of the students most have stolen the exam ahead of time and distributed it. It was most likely one of the girls.

Maybe we should un-earth every dissertation in gender studies in the free world and scan them all for plagiarism.

On another note: I wanted to put this out there. Last night I turned on the TV and some police drama was on. A female cop was investigating a murder. But by the end of the show, the murder was a botched attempt committed by a male college student against a professor because the mother said the professor raped her and that's how he was born. The whole show was shot through with women's issues stuff. The cops sister was a Doctor, and the show had an abundance of references to the role of women in history (ie: domestic slaves).

The discussion of rape in the show was appalling. Why, since rape is not a joke (viz. Daniel Tosh), do American women soak up these cop dramas which routinely show men as these serial rapist perverts who - oh, what a surprise - is just the guy next-door, or maybe your accountant, or that pale looking guy serving the drinks at the trendy club she goes to show off her fashion sense. One of my girlfriends once told me if I didn't do what she said (drive her to the store), she was going to tell everyone I raped her. This is the kind of thing that happens behind the American populist media facade of male domination.

I think these shows are made by liberal fascists as part of a wider popular misandrist front.

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