'Some Arguments Just Don't Have Two Sides'

Article here. Excerpt:

'This dynamic is also seen when "men's rights advocates" push back strongly against equality for women over perceived threats to their own rights. These MRAs are the intellectual descendants of those who justified their arguments for male superiority with Bible quotes like Timothy 2:11-12: "A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet." Their complaints of misandry and "reverse sexism" mimic the cries of "reverse racism" following the days of racial emancipation. Just as those who want creationism taught in public schools have resorted to unscientific intelligent design arguments, the MRAs are trying to back-up their prejudicial claims with unscientific conclusion-first thinking.

Even though women's rights issues like equal pay and protection from domestic violence should not be topics up for debate, MRAs insist upon voicing their opinions on the issue--and too often the media and others listen. Since the foundation of their opinions is that of religiously sanctioned discrimination and blatant sexism, MRAs and their allies should be ignored like other fringe groups.'

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... but I can't recall the last time anyone on MANN quoted the Bible to defend the notion of "female subservience" to men. But maybe the author of the article has been reading other sources. And racism and creationism? How do those things get conflated with MR issues?

Some arguments are easier to follow than others, I guess.

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Prejudicial claims and conclusion-first thinking is exactly what feminist gender theorists and education researchers do. This just flipped around the very thing that some MRA's exist as backlash against, and then accused them of it.

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The only people I know who quote the Bible to justify female subservience are women.

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"Even though women's rights issues like equal pay and protection from domestic violence should not be topics up for debate, MRAs insist upon voicing their opinions on the issue"

I'm shocked, shocked to learn that men might have opinions on these matters. I guess men just don't know their place anymore. They're just supposed to think what the feminists tell them to think.

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