The Female Orgasm, 50 Shades Of Grey, and Feminism's Schizophrenia

Article here. Excerpt:

'The flawed feminist notion that women can have it all when it comes to an illustrious fulltime career and raising children can also be applied to the bedroom. Which is it, do you want to be respected between the sheets, or handcuffed to the bed post and whipped?
Agreed. However, are we justified in mourning the illusive female orgasm and the larger concern of female sexual neglect, if we as women instead express the opposite sentiment demonstrated by the “Fifty Shades of Grey” phenomenon that has swept the nation?
Importantly, as women, we must ask ourselves who exactly is effectuating such standards of male sexual focus? More specifically, are we perhaps perpetuating the harmful standards, such as male dominance and female submission, that we rail against?

Unfortunately, the answers may not be pretty. For as women continue to idolize and fantasize about the demented and disgusting “relationship” embodied within “Fifty Shades of Grey,” we may come to realize that we are among the primary perpetuating culprits. And unfortunately the winners of this contradiction game are no winners at all.'

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Why is it we never see a feminist challenging women to actually refuse to "let" men pay for dates?

Anyway, what is it with feminists that they can't let people (women included) just plain enjoy their lives? Good grief! So some bored women get some jollies reading tie-me-up-and-spank-me modern-day "bodice-ripper" novels and a feminist has to declare it "counter-revolutionary" of some such drivel like that.

Newsflash for her: Fantasy lives are not actual lives. If a man fantasizes about being handcuffed and dominated by a woman, does that mean he is some kind of "counter-revolutionary" against "The Patriarchy"?

The whole thing is utterly ridiculous. I can't believe anyone, yet even feminists, waste their precious time fretting over such claptrap. Life's too damned short.

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