"Hitting back: the brutal face of domestic violence"

Story here. Excerpt:

"The new Women's Aid campaign, showing celebrities made up to look as though they have been battered, literally hits you in face. Honor Blackman with her eye bruised and bloodied. Fiona Bruce with her mouth puffed up and swollen.

It says, loud and clear, that domestic violence can happen to anyone. Even the rich, powerful and famous can fall victim to a man's fist."

Read the comments. They show a surprising awareness of domestic violence against men. The article and the campaign, however, do not.

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Judging by readers' comments, it's getting harder and harder for Western governments to brainwash their peoples.

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As we head in to another presidential election, we are seeing brainwashing put on with a full court press.

Just the other day Senator Biden was touting his 'international VAWA'....which, if enacted, would be a cultural disaster and shredder of families in foreign lands, bringing more alienation and hatred upon the USA for exporting such garbage.

oregon dad

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....among the general public. People are starting to wake up and look at their own lives and the people they know and realize that the feminist take on domestic violence just doesn't match their experiences. People can't relate to that message any more. People these days know the helpline for women numbers, women know how to seek help and they know there is help out there. They also know men in their lives who have been turned away and have no options. They probably know personally some one who has been falsely accused by a woman who got away with it. They are also seeing the increased media coverage of violent, and pedophiliac, and murderous women. Even though most of these women get away with it or get a slap on the wrist people are still seeing that women commit the same acts of violence and sexual deviance as men do.

The time old messages that feminists have been screaming for decades don't hold true to people anymore. They never were true to begin with but it's just that more people are experiencing lives that don't follow that old myth and are rejecting it.

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I wonder if Honor Blackman and Fiona Bruce have ever had arguments with the men in their lives where they hit them, threw something at them or even made a false DV or rape accusation against them? Hypocrites?


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Considering the dishonesty that is being perpetrated about domestic violence in this article, with the assistance of makeup, one can only wonder how much outright fraud has been committed over the years by domestic violence industry advocates, making women up to look like they have injuries when really don't, then photographing them. It is very dishonest of this article to ignore women's violence against men, and women's violence against men using false accusations.

As we are all overwhelmingly aware by NOW, there are gender feminist advocates in women's studies programs who spawn, promote, and institutionalize all manner of dishonesty and fraud against men in our western legal systems.
Gender Feminist Crime Pays

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I didn't say they stopped brainwashing. I said that people are getting smarter.

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Yes, the dishonest article is another despicable, domestic violence, propaganda piece, but many of the responses to the story do appear to be aware that this is just a typical gender feminist, man-hating message, trying to pass itself off as credible.

The crap being spread in this gender feminist, domestic violence industry article reminds me of an inconsiderate neighbor who walks her dog, lets it poop in other people's yards, then just leaves it for others to pick up.

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Notice they haven't posted anymore feedback comments after the original 20 from yesterday. They certainly haven't posted mine! Silence is sometimes louder than words.

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So, say this I-VAWA things gets enacted... how is US law going to be imposed on other sovereign nations? USA declares war on all countries that do not enslave their male populations? Probably wouldn't work considering the nations that refuse probably won't be full of weak, emasculated, pussy whipped men who don't want to fight for their rights. If they were, they would already have a VAWA equivalent in place anyway.

The UN is a grand joke these days nearly on the same irrelevant level as the League of Nations was so it won't enforce I-VAWA on the world. I just don't think there is a way to impose a VAWA like law on any country that doesn't already subscribe to the "boys should be girls" gender feminist mindset already.

That leaves China and many Chinese influenced surrounding East Asian Nations, Russia, Eastern Europe, Much of South America, the Middle East, etc who will all very strongly oppose the idea of I-VAWA.

You're right it will probably lead to more countries having extreme animosity towards the USA and perhaps even World War III to stop the USA from exporting a doctrine that most of the world recognizes as worse then fascism and communism put together.

Perhaps this time we'll be the Axis of Evil that the World fights to destroy.

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It recently happened in India.
The template is provided via feminist organizations or through the UN.

It is imposed and enforced via "local" government, but the template has already been generated in the US.

I seen now (yesterday) that Mexico is now jumping on the bandwagon.

This is the classic "propogation of error" that you see in physics - where minor differences in custom and/or language have huge impact. It will destroy foreign families and cultures.

oregon dad

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... with his comments about Obama being the first "clean" African-American to run for the White House.

Now, I do not believe Biden is a racist. Though he is a feminist.

He has a reputation for running his mouth, and just "emoting" like a high school cheerleader at the basketball finals.

( I know that's a potentially castrating shaming comment about the Senator, but hey... our current President was a cheerleader at Yale, and he's The Decider!)

Biden is DOA.

He wants a cabinet post under Hillary's regime.

Director of Women's Health Issues, maybe?

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Now, I do not believe Biden is a racist. Though he is a feminist.

A lot of feminists are racists though. The "oppressed" class usually means middle/upper class white women. They tend to stick to their own color.

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Those Nations that oppose this evil ideology are likely to view it in a similar fashion to how the USA viewed communism post WWII until the end of the Cold War...

Don't fool yourself to think that Eastern Countries and Many South American Countries will be any less forceful in their opposition to the "lace curtain" then the good 'ol US of A was in opposition of the iron curtain.

Perhaps the next Hitler will not only be a woman but will also be Resident of The United States. I-VAWA could potentially make that happen when some ruthless lesbian feminist take the helm of the most superficially powerful country on Earth and institutes the feminist final solution to once and for all eradicate masculinities influence on the world.

It may sound like a flight of fancy right now and you think it would never happen.... nut you never know

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Are you implying the "Crazy Joe" Biden actually had a realistic chance at winning the Presidency? In order for him to do that he would have to have a significant percentage of the male vote and there just aren't (outside of Delaware that is!) that many men who are perpetual self-loathers!

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Funny, I just had this conversation with my daughter, fetching her home for a Superbowl party from her elite university where several of her required classes are in Gender Studies....

I had to educate her during the two-hour drive that the source of the clever sleight-of-hand ideological trick accomplished by feminism is rooted in the 1970's Second Wave neo-Marxist era.

The very neat con that Feminism accomplished was to replace the Marxist theory of CLASS warfare with the theory of GENDER warfare.

i.e. -- under Marxism, all capitalists (the ownership class) were evil oppressors seeking to exploit the working masses... Actually, that's a fair and logical theory, circa 1895.

Now, feminists in the 1970's -- mostly educated academic privileged lesbians -- decided that this theory could serve them well...


There you go! "Shake and bake" instant recipe for 40 years of Gender Warfare!

Smart girls. Gotta give 'em some cred.

So, there is some link between feminist classism and the argument for racism. (Especially if you read the credible research about the women in the Klu Klux Klan who became founders in 1st Wave Feminism.)

Very few poor, middle-class, or rich black, hispanic, latino, asian, or Muslim women belong to N.O.W.

There's a reason why.

Ask Kim Gandy. She's the President of N.O.W., and a perfect illustration of who belongs.

White, rich, aging, educated, inside-the-beltway elite, fuggly, menopausal, harpies.

But it doesn't matter that N.O.W. has no relevance for young women.

They have successfully passed laws that terrorize men -- and (to connect the Joe Biden dots) -- that rich white men in Congress have passed unanimously.

Racism is effectively illegal now.


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The only thing is that it might be incorrect to assume, that the majority of the feminists were/are lesbians. Otherwise, he is stating pretty much verbatim what is in "Spreading Misandry" by Nathanson and Young. Too bad Roy, you should have beaten them to the punch, and written your own book:)


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Thanks for correcting that inflated assertion.

I knew it was a stretch when I wrote it.

Most femininsts lick (sic) er, like lesbians, but do not fully subscribe to the whole lifestyle.

Mainly because preying upon heterosexual men is still a better guarantee of prospering than trying to hook up with a rich reliably subservient girlfriend.

Men still make better slaves, no matter which team you bat for... ;-)

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