'America must stop blaming divorce on women'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A recent poll revealed a clear tendency to blame women for not keeping their husbands happy and a habit of viewing divorced women as unwanted and pitiable.

That was in the United Arab Emirates. But what about the United States of America? You’d think a more enlightened view of women and marriage might prevail.

Think again. The Huffington Post ran a front-page piece just this week with a headline that would make any old-school patriarch proud: “Women: Five Reasons Your Divorce Is Your Fault.” The author, self-appointed intimacy expert Laura Doyle, spent several paragraphs hectoring women for sins including “Taking the same approach at home as you do at work” and “Rejecting his efforts to make you happy.” She reserves special scorn for present-day Lysistratas who are cruelly “withholding sex” from their partners, as if they were using sex as a punishment rather than simply too tired or not aroused enough to want it. Doyle’s “remedy” for this transgression? “Consider making yourself available for sex at least once a week in support of your mutual goal of connecting.” Problem solved!'

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Alas, you need a "premium account" or use a social media acct., which I never use. Anyway, here it is:

There is in fact a cure for "blaming divorce on women": Don't get married. It really is simple enough.

If you do want to, make sure you are 110% sure she's "the right one for you". Divorce almost always rooks the man financially, socially, and every which-way. Women usually walk away w/ the kids, house, half or more of his income, etc. And, she gets to call it off at any time. It's a very risky proposition for men and a man should think very carefully before doing it. Do your "due dilligence"; make sure you know the kind of contractual arrangement marriage is and most important, be very certain of who you're marrying; marriage is just like a business partnership only far riskier than your typical "Jones & Smith" partnership. But anyway, most men, and I mean a whole lot of "most", will not find such a "right one for you" woman to marry. That is because the number of ppl who can actually go indefinitely w/ one person as perma-lover is very slim.

The article seems to defend the idea that it's fine for women to "check out" sexually from a marriage after a certain time. Well, guess what: as long as one person in the marriage wants to *gasp* have sex regularly, their spouse has the obligation to do it w/ them. That is in fact an obligation so ancient it is spelled out in, for example, traditional Orthodox Jewish marriage contracts-- only in those, it declares the *husband* has the duty to have sex w/ his wife. Point is, people of either sex can and often do tire sexually of their spouses and either the marriage becomes sexless or one or both ppl start looking for sex outside their marriage. Gov't and university studies have both revealed that men and women cheat in their marriages at roughly equal rates.

As it is, marriage is in essence an outdated institution. If the law won't make updates to how it's defined and how it's dealt with should one or both parties seek its dissolution, the no. of ppl married at any given time in the US and other western countries will continue to plummet, as well it ought to. Love is forever? Not usually. In rare cases, yes, but most times, no. For this reason, most ppl if not the great majority should *not* be getting married, most especially if they're male. Really, what's the point?

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When I was in Saudi Arabia, a few of the single Western women I knew remarked that Saudi women were always trying to set them up with a man. The Saudi women believed a woman without a man was unhappy and that divorced women were "pitiable." But these represent centuries-old cultural views. And keep in mind it's very difficult for a woman to divorce her husband in the average Muslim country.

In the US, it's very easy for a woman to divorce her husband. She gets the kids, the house, etc. And we know women file for divorce more often than men. So it's very fair to "blame" women for the divorce: they chose it. And they often choose it not because hubby behaved badly but because they found greener pastures elsewhere. Hubby was in the way so he was sent packing.

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women overwelmingly make the divorce decision, but, they also make the marriage decision. So they hustle/force the guy to marry her, then they file for divorce and take his house, kids, cars, and income.

This exact sequence needs to be explained to EVERY high school and college male in the USA. And married men need to start being honest with unmarried males and males considering marriage. If the already hitched were honest, less men would take the plunge.

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