Testimony video available of Eran Sadeh of Protect the Child

Testimony at press conference in Berlin found here. His testimony is given in English.

English translation of Mr. Sadeh's message in Hebrew:

I hereby call Jews in Israel and anywhere in the world: learn about the advantages of an intact penis, learn about the disadvantages of a cut penis, and join the unstoppable movement of tens of thousands of Jews all over the world who welcome their sons to the world without violating their bodily integrity, without hurting them, and without putting them at risk. Here ends a year and its maledictions and a new one begins with its blessings. Happy New Year / Rosh Hashana

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It's about human rights. It makes no difference if a human rights violation is part of a religious tradition or not (think of human sacrifice as practiced for centuries by Mexica and other civilizations). It needs to end.

And if you are tempted to skip listening to this, may I ask that you reconsider. Mr. Sadeh delivers very good, informative comments on this topic.

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