Thousands of Kansas Sperm Donors Emerge to Protest State's Child Support Claims

Article here. Excerpt:

'Over three years ago, a well-intentioned, 46-year-old race car mechanic in Kansas donated his sperm to a lesbian couple seeking to conceive a child. A written agreement that waived the donor's parental rights and financial obligations was executed between the parties at the time of delivery. However in October, Kansas filed a petition to have the donor legally declared the father of the three-year-old child and held responsible for support payments under state law. Citing a 2007 case before the Kansas Supreme Court, lawyers for the donor argued that their client bore no parental responsibilities because of his agreement with the couple. The case attracted national attention this week with the announcement of a January 8 hearing. As an unexpected result, thousands of unmarried men with illegitimate children and mounting child support debt filed motions Thursday to have their statuses changed to "donor," and their financial obligations overturned.'

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These "protesters" are making a mockery of male reproductive rights.

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What is the difference between a "father" and a "sperm donor"? And exactly when does a man agree to become a father? I would have to say the answers are muddled under today's law and need to be clarified.

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