Evan Thomas: 'White Men Dropping Out of the Workforce'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Former Newsweek editor Evan Thomas made a bizarre statement on PBS's Inside Washington Friday.

"Unexplored story of the year: white men dropping out - dropping out of the workforce, dropping out of elections, just plain dropping out, getting social security, not doing anything, going hunting, fishing, just not in the game"
As such, the biggest decline in this statistic has come from black men not white men who continue to by far represent the largest chunk of the labor force with a participation rate of 73.2 percent.

With this in mind, Thomas might want to rethink his bizarre conclusion.'

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As Mark Twain supposedly said, "The report of my death was an exaggeration". :)

Men in general are no more or less involved in *routine* electoral politics than they have ever been. It's just that women are more involved (in an ongoing sense) in the same than they have been in the past, and men's voting patterns have changed over time, as have what America's two major parties stand for.

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