Petition to create a White House Council for Boys and Men

There is a petition online that is calling for a White House Council for Boys and Men. Please do sign this petition and urge all you know to sign it too.

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This petition makes a very interesting point. The author, Howard Goldman, points out that the majority of mass shootings end in the suicide of the shooter. He points out that these are a variation on the suicide theme that plagues boys and men and that we really have no idea why boys and men are 80% of completed suicides nor why they would seek suicide in a mass shooting. Understanding these things might help us prevent both in the future. Excellent point Howard!

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Obama and Biden are pro-feminism which means any boys/men's council would have tremendous influence from feminist groups. The Obama administration has more or less put groups like NOW, The National Women's Law Center, and the AAUW in charge of gender issues. The last thing we need is more propaganda that demonizes men & boys.

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You make a good point but the proposal that was written that is the focus of this petition was done by such folks as Warren Farrell, Christina Hoff Sommers, Lionel Tiger, Glenn Sacks, Ned Holstein and many others who are very much in the pro-male camp.

At this point it is worth noting that Obama has refused to consider it. One of those who wrote the proposal had a meeting scheduled with Obama and had to submit an agenda of the topics that would be covered. Obama struck out only one topic from this agenda, the one about the Council for Boys and Men. Interesting don't you think? His livelihood, like the livelihood of most politicians is linked to keeping women happy and you can't do that with radical feminists breathing fire and calling you a misogynist. Better to just to give them what they want and keep smiling and not do anything to piss them off like helping men and boys. He is a coward at best.

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