NH Men's Commission Faces Legislative Struggle to Survive

The New Hampshire Commission on the Status of Men (CSM), the first state commission of its kind in the United States, is set to sunset (expire) in September of this year. Legislation is currently entering the NH House which would remove the CSM's sunset provision and add state funding. Currently, the CSM is prohibited from receiving any state funds, while the NH Commission on the Status of Women receives approximately $120,000 annually, allowing them to have a full-time staff member and budget for research projects.

Passage of this renewal legislation is expected to be difficult, as opponents of the CSM's work are well-entrenched in the NH political system. Furthermore, there is a worrisome lack of awareness about the Commission's work, something which we ask for your help in changing. Read More to continue...

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I'd suggest calculating the average income and tax revenue loss from these suicides to bring the bottom line in to the picture for the legislature.

Also, perhaps there is a way to estimate the social cost of berievement, loss of productivity, loss/cost of benefits to survivors, insurance costs, etc.

This is really what the state is most interested in.

I believe it is most important to show the legislature the cost of misandry at every turn.

oregon dad

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Perhaps this should be taken a step further, and instead of just spreading word in support of the CSM in New Hampshire, we should all mail our respective state governments and request similar programs in our own states.

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So, since the NH Men's Commission gets no money and is not dependent upon the state legislature; and, assuming they do not get funded (what's changed?) --

why don't they just keep doing what they're doing and publish credible reports and seek other sources for funding?

They could just add "unofficial" to their name i.e. The NH Unofficial Men's Commission and keep on working and fighting....

New Hampshire is the size of some farms in Texas or California.

It barely qualifies as a county-sized state!

The NH Commission raised a lot of hopes among MRAs.

Is it a surprise that the feminazis and their fellow-travellers have quietly conspired to extinguish it?

"Gender WAR!"

Dump your ancient Chivalry and enjoy an open mind .....

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Barely the size of a county? So what.

"Bellwether" (defn. - www.dictionary.com):
"2. a person or thing that assumes the leadership or forefront, as of a profession or industry: Paris is a bellwether of the fashion industry.
3. a person or thing that shows the existence or direction of a trend; index."

(btw, so is California..a bellwether of how much we will elect actors as politicians. But in truth, one of those southern Ca. counties, I think San Bernardino, is about the same size as Connecticut!).

If the author of Megatrends (James Naisbitt) is correct, the fizzling out of the New Hampshire CSM could have bad ripple effect, as to whether other states will even consider allowing the establishment of these commissions.

Also, it doesn't sound to me like the CSM is considering throwing in the towel altogether, that does not seem to be the thinking at this point; but instead the current concern is the sunset provision. If they are going to put "New Hampshire" in front of their name, it no doubt helps to have the government's "blessing", even if no funding is provided.


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