Afghan policewoman was 'unstable'

Story here. I know I'm sounding like a broken record here, but anyone who is 1) crazy and 2) has access to firearms is a potential threat. Of course many other things can be a motive for murder-by-gun much less anything else, but when it comes to seemingly inexplicable murders (so-called "random" or "impersonal" murder) not driven even by ideology or political affiliation, the factor is "crazy". Unfortunately just yesterday, America had a second mass-shooting in upstate NY in as many weeks wherein the killer targeted innocent men for no apparent reason and killed himself before he could be caught; he was a convicted killer and apparently murdered his sister before setting his house on fire, too. Crazy: check. Access to guns: check. Until guns can be kept out of the hands of lunatics, we'll keep having such tragedies-- and the sex/age of the murderer isn't really a factor, as much as feminists want you to believe it. It's "crazy". Excerpt:

'KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — The policewoman who killed an American contractor in Kabul is a native Iranian who came to Afghanistan and displayed "unstable behavior" but no known links to militants, an Interior Ministry spokesman said Tuesday.

The policewoman, identified as Sgt. Nargas, shot 49-year-old Joseph Griffin, of Mansfield, Georgia, on Monday, in the first such shooting by a woman in a spate of insider attacks by Afghans against their foreign allies. Nargas walked into a heavily-guarded compound in the heart of Kabul, confronted Griffin and gunned him down with a single pistol bullet.
The ministry spokesman, Sediq Sediqi, told a news conference that Nargas, who uses one name like many in the country, was born in Tehran, where she married an Afghan. She moved to the country 10 years ago after her husband obtained fake documents enabling her to live and work there.
"Her mental condition is not good," he said, describing her behavior as "unstable." He said that after she attended a recent training course in Egypt a "foreign government" — a clear reference to Egypt — informed Afghan authorities that she did not appear to be "normal."

On Monday, senior Afghan officials said the policewoman was licensed to carry the weapon into the compound and was well known there. On Tuesday, however, the chief investigator, Gen. Mohammad Zahir, told reporters that she was not authorized to carry weapons into the compound but managed to pass through security checks with a hidden pistol. Zahir said the lapse of security was also being investigated, as well as whether she had connections with foreign or local militant groups.
Zahir said that during interrogation, the policewoman said she had plans to kill either the Kabul governor, city police chief or Zahir himself, but when she realized that penetrating the last security cordons to reach them would be too difficult, she saw "a foreigner" and turned her weapon on him.'

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CNN actually has its own article list page for it here.

A Google search of "female suicide bombers" will reveal many hits and the articles will describe or discuss some truly terrible things. It ranges from the use of woman-oriented propaganda to convince women to consider becoming suicide bombers to coercing mentally handicapped young (under-16) people of both sexes to become human explosives even if they have no idea what they're doing. And there's everything in between including the use of rape and threat of exposure of it (blaming the victim-- saying *she* is the source of family shame for being sexually assaulted) and thus making her believe that her only way of "redeeming" herself is to be a human bomb. It's hard to find words to describe this level of depravity. But in a world where the homicidally/suicidally insane have access to semiautomatic rifles and use them to murder schoolchildten for no apparent cause (much less religious fanaticism), anything is possible. Crazy Afghan policewoman shoots one person because she couldn't get to someone more high-profile? Practically pedestrian. We've got lunatics murdering schoolchildren and unarmed firemen responding to fires for no apparent reason here in a country that isn't even fighting a war within itself. I mean seriously, nothing's beyond the pale anymore.

I don't know how we're going to do it, but somehow we have to find a way to keep bat-sh*t crazy ppl from getting their hands on firearms, explosives, etc., and not just here in the US but all over the place. Any ideas? I'm all eyes.

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Sadly, there's no way of restricting the supply of weapons to insane people without also affecting the sanes' ability to defend themselves against such threats.

Also, restricting access to weapons will only make local black markets flourish. With demand, supply will inevitably follow.

At best, you could require a permit as proof of competence but in the end, all you can really do is establish proper consequences for misuse of your privileges. Most of those school shooters either showed no obvious signs or whoever was around didn't notice the signs until it was too late.

The problem is that we're expected to have faith in the idea that police forces can be everywhere at once with the capacity to make the right decision in a situation they've JUST been thrust into. At least people who are already there AND getting attacked would know who to strike back at.

The way I see it, people who want to do wrong will do so regardless of whatever laws are in place. They will use whatever is available to them if it helps them cause harm. Such as the old Texas Chainsaw massacre.

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