'What Is Wrong With This Generation of Young Men In America?'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Well, there are a whole host of reasons.  But certainly parents and our education system have to bear much of the blame.  In the old days, young men were taught what it means to “be a man”, and morality was taught to young men both by their parents and in the schools.  But today, most young men have very little understanding of what “manhood” is, and our society has taught them that morality doesn’t really matter.  Instead, television and movies constantly portray young men as sex-obsessed slackers that just want to party all the time, so that is what many of our young men have become.

How much better off would our society be if we had trained this generation of young men to love, honor, protect and take care of others?

How much better off would our society be if we had nurtured the manhood of our young men instead of teaching them to be ashamed of it?'

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"How much better off would our society be if we had trained this generation of young men to love, honor, protect and take care of others?"

Also would have been good if others loved, honored, and protected our boys. Hey, what a novel concept!

Do I think young men by and large are in a "good place" these days? No. But do I blame them for the place they're in the way so many others do? What, after being beaten up by feminism all their lives? Frankly I'm amazed they're doing as well as they are.

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The author uses more shaming language, as is typical of manginas and feminists. Men aren't enough of this, aren't enough of that.

I submit that the response of young men makes a lot of sense, given what they are up against these days. I think the response of young men is absolutely supported by the way that women and society treats them. If society and women want young men to act differently, then they're going to have to make it worth the young men's while.

Why for example should a young man make a lot of money, when the government will take a great deal of it in order to support more programs for women, or perhaps when his ex-wife is only going to steal it from him in a divorce? Why should he want to be a father when his divorcing wife will be likely to estrange his kids from him via parental alienation syndrome? Why should he want a career, where he works hard to make a contribution, if he will only continue to be bad-mouthed by feminists and manginas, called evil and undesirable, simply because he is a male? Why should he get married when modern women are showing themselves to be so avaricious, shallow, selfish, and totally self-absorbed (there is no partnership in modern marriage)?

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