It's time feminists stopped blaming all men for violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'I will not bear the collective guilt of liberal homogenizations. Being a man does not make me guilty of misogyny. I reject the collective guilt implied by the radical feminist provocateurs of Dec. 6.

I did not arrest, imprison or kill Japanese people during the Second World War. I did not slaughter native people on the move westward by white Europeans in the 19th century. And I did not murder 14 innocent women at the Montreal Polytechnique in 1989.

I get the point that women are still mistreated in Canada, still bullied and discriminated against, still assaulted and killed by evil men. But I am not a piece of Janice Kennedy's collective "male as guilty context." It's not her insinuated guilt that I rail against. It's the direct attack on my gender - that being a man is somehow less worthy of the respect and dignity afforded to all people.'

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"I get the point that women are still mistreated in Canada, still bullied and discriminated against, still assaulted and..."

Are they, categorically? Or is the writer just going along?

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Feminists have the strongest hold in Canada in the schooling system because most Canadian`s dont make the kind of waves thats needed to stop them.

women here are allowed to "double dip" on child support meaning there are women here collecting child support from multiple men for the same child legally "in the best interests of the child" women also enjoy commonlaw marriage alimony here meaning if you only live with a woman she can collect alimony at the judges discretion after 90 days of cohabitation

false rape accusations here are out of control and you would be hard pressed to find a man who didnt have a friend acquitted of a rape charge the divorce laws are another horror assume you will have 0 money after you divorce a woman and dont assume you will ever see your kids again,, maintenance enforcement has the power to put a lein on your house, file a claim federally, withdraw funds directly from any account you have without notice, they can suspend your drivers license without notice and any trades ticket you have along with anything else(hunting license, license to own firearms,fishing license, all without notice) this can immediately turn you into a criminal if you are caught driving after they have done this and also if you own firearms without a license,, here its out of control without question in fact in our constitution they had to preemptively change it because they knew what would happen.
15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability

the problem with this is that only one sex is considered discriminated against WOMEN so MEN are the only ones left without rights to equal representation in funding for the protection and advancement of men while women enjoy this to a great degree....

the important part here is
(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability

this actually means that laws created in womens favor are protected by our constitution even if they know they are biased,, hows that for a load of shit?

if you are interested in learning more about how it actually is in canada i recommend looking at
look in the forums

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i remember reading about a divorce case where the high courts in canada said that a married woman having extramarital relations with another woman was not considered adultery. obviously the ruling was made to insure that a woman's extramarital activities did not interfere w/ her ability to 'cash out' on her marriage.

interesting how the 'honorable' courts in both our lands have bowed to the equality, honesty and integrity that is today's feminism. since we have the new definition of marriage these 'enlightened' days, i just wonder:

does this mean that a woman married to another woman and having an affair w/ a man is not adultry?

does this mean that a man married to another man and having an affair w/ a woman is not adultry?

picture me lmao.

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"adultery", not adultry. solly. and i was once the best smeller in my class in scool to.

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