Stop the Violence Against Women Act’s war on men

Article here. Excerpt:

'While the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) claims to fairly protect all victims of domestic violence, in reality it intentionally discriminates against about half of the victims — men (“Progressive groups pressure House GOP to pass Violence Against Women Act,” Dec. 11).

First, social science research literature is unambiguously clear. Domestic violence is initiated about equally by men and women; slightly more women than men are physically harmed, but men nonetheless still represent more than 40 percent of the physically harmed victims; the domestic violence initiation rates for women, and especially young women, have been rising; and the domestic violence rates for bisexuals, gays and lesbians all are higher than for heterosexual couples. Yet men receive no protection under the current versions of VAWA under consideration.

Second, the ideological foundations of VAWA discriminate against men. Conceptually, VAWA is based on the Duluth Power and Control Wheel model, which falsely presumes that all domestic violence is perpetrated by evil patriarchal males against virtuously innocent females. There is no research support for this false gender ideology.'

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"Gender feminists use the term "gender based violence” as the base of their fraudulent Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), blaming males for all domestic violence. But if we look at the figures given on female perpetrated domestic violence, and deaths of kids killed by their biological mothers, we have a very different perspective from the fraudulent, gender feminist theory of “gender based violence.” It’s the truth that derails the fraudulent gender feminist paradigm. It’s a view rarely if ever covered by the mainstream media, and never by Democrats. Those statistics are at manamongoaks dot com. Click the tab called “lumber.” Scroll down to “domestic violence.”

According to the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services and DOJ statistics, more kids are killed by neglect and abuse in a year (1,460 in 2005), than all the female intimate partner homicides in in a year (1,181 in 2005). And mothers are the single largest group of kid killers. They have a rate twice that of fathers, yet the taxpayer funded (gender feminist run) domestic violence industry would have us believe that women don't egregiously batter men too. They're lying!

As shown by HHS statistics, the age range for those child homicides is about ten times narrower than that for female intimate partner homicide, making that rate of child homicide far more concentrated. Yet funding to prevent those child homicides is minimal, compared to the billions that go to the Violence Against Women Act.

Gender feminists, are using the fraudulent Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) as a weapon in their vile and deplorable campaign of “Witch-Hunting Males,” - as shown in the video of the same name at Youtube.

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