'Let's Give Chivalry Another Chance'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women, she said, "want to be treated like ladies."

Bennett and her fellow chivalry advocates have the right idea. "If women give up on chivalry, it will be gone," Sommers tells me. "If boys can get away with being boorish, they will, happily. Women will pay the price."

If feminists want to level the playing field between men and women, they should find common cause with traditionalist women, like those at ASU, on the issue of chivalry. Both groups are concerned with how men treat women. They just differ in what that means: Feminists want men to treat women as equals; traditionalists want men to treat women like ladies. Are the two mutually exclusive?

Chivalry is about respect. It is about not harming or hurting others, especially those who are more vulnerable than you. It is about putting other people first and serving others often in a heroic or courageous manner. It is about being polite and courteous. In other words, chivalry in the age of post-feminism is another name we give to civility. When we give up on civility, understood in this way, we can never have relationships that are as meaningful as they could be.

If women today—feminists and non-feminists alike—encouraged both men and women to adopt the principles of civil and chivalrous conduct, then the standards of behavior for the two sexes would be the same, fostering the equality that feminists desire. Moreover, the relations between the sexes would be once again based on mutual respect, as the traditionalists want. Men and women may end up being civil and well-mannered in different ways, but at least they would be civil and well-mannered, an improvement on the current situation.'

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Funny how we have an entire social philosophical sub-set of study dedicated to how men should treat women in a benign, preferential fashion, and absolutely no corresponding system of thought for it to go the other way.

I'd be all for "chivalry" if it was actually reciprocated.

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Men are traditionally seen as having an obligation to treat women well (chivalry). But no comparable obligation extends from women towards men. That's why nobody is even talking about how women treat men. It is generally understood that women use, abuse, and exploit men, however they damn well please.

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