Europe moves toward quotas for female CEOs

Article here. Excerpt:

'"If you want a transformative change, if you want something to move forward faster, you sometimes have to impose mechanisms to reach that," said Hilde Tonne, executive vice president and head of group industrial development at Norway's largest telecoms company Telenor.

She rejects criticism that quotas lead to tokenism, or the hiring of women who are not as qualified as men available for the same job.

"You want someone to be there because they are the best candidate," she said. "I think you get more and more competent women to choose from and you get more and more men that have had to compete with women so they are more competent now as well."

Others, including prominent businesswomen, say quotas interfere with the rights of companies to determine what is best for their businesses.'

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This is really terrible, especially knowing that once it starts, it will just be a matter of time before other places follow, and there will be no getting rid of it. There is no need for this, as women are not discriminated against. This is bad for both male and female employees. Qualified men will get passed over, and women will be disrespected and unwelcome in the workplace. Employers will then be forced into government intrusion mandating them how to run their own business, and if a business lacks efficiency then consumers get a more expensive and/or less quality service or product. It's lose-lose-lose for everyone!

Mathematically speaking, women cannot make up the majority of stay at home parents, but then expect equal representation in the workplace. Why does no one see this?

Also, one woman quoted in the article was from Norway. Don't new mothers get like several months of maternity leave there? How is that going to effect the business when women in high positions leave for several months?

Women cannot be equal and special at the same time.

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"Women cannot be equal and special at the same time."

Very true.

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Like in "Animal Farm": some animals are more equal than others. In our society, women are "more equal" than men.

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