State Department: Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues Travels to Northern Ireland, etc.

Nice work if you can get it. Link here. Excerpt:

'In Belfast, Northern Ireland December 7, Ambassador Verveer will deliver an address on Women, Peace, and Security at the University of Ulster. She will meet with women active in advancing the Northern Ireland peace process, as well as with representatives of the Women in Business Northern Ireland organization.

In Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 8-9, Ambassador Verveer will launch the South Asian Women’s Entrepreneurship Symposium and deliver remarks.
Continuing on to Stockholm, Sweden December 10-12, Ambassador Verveer will participate in the World Bank's Gender Advisory Council meeting, speaking on a panel to discuss post 2015 gender and development along with Nigerian Finance Minister Ngozi Okongo-Iweala and Under Secretary and Executive Director of UN Women Michelle Bachelet.
Ambassador Verveer will then join Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Tunis, Tunisia on December 12 for the Forum for the Future Conference where she will participate in the women’s empowerment session, and accompany her to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates on December 14.'

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Oh that's right, men don't have any! I forgot! Silly me!

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