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every MRA should watch this video. warren farrell was there to give a talk on the problems boys (children) are having in school/society, as in the 'boy crisis'. these violent and profane radical feminists should have been arrested. lefties can get away w/ murder these days. shades of commie protests of old, trying to squelch free speech.
he did manage to speak however.
i have always found it interesting, yet strange that this type of attempted censorship always seems to happen in the context of a university lecture - the one place on earth supposedly devoted to the pursuit of open and free exchange of opinions and ideas.
these radical feminists are becoming our best allies, in that they are showing our (MRA) voices to be the rational, logical and truthful ones. you go girls!
Permalink Submitted by daveinga on Sun, 2012-12-09 01:24
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every MRA should watch this video. warren farrell was there to give a talk on the problems boys (children) are having in school/society, as in the 'boy crisis'. these violent and profane radical feminists should have been arrested. lefties can get away w/ murder these days. shades of commie protests of old, trying to squelch free speech.
he did manage to speak however.
i have always found it interesting, yet strange that this type of attempted censorship always seems to happen in the context of a university lecture - the one place on earth supposedly devoted to the pursuit of open and free exchange of opinions and ideas.
these radical feminists are becoming our best allies, in that they are showing our (MRA) voices to be the rational, logical and truthful ones. you go girls!