'Camille Paglia: Taylor Swift, Katy Perry and Hollywood Are Ruining Women'

Article here. Excerpt:

'When Forbes released its annual list of Hollywood’s highest-paid women in October, it was no surprise that Oprah Winfrey passed everyone else by a mile. Her vast media empire, pulling in $165 million last year, swamped her nearest competitor, Britney Spears, whose earnings from music, TV and product endorsements totaled a distant second at $58 million. Spears’ career has made a spectacular recovery after what seemed like a squalid death spiral just a few short years ago -- but she’s being given a run for her money by the new gals in town.

It’s staggering that 22-year-old Taylor Swift earned $57 million and Katy Perry $45 million. How is it possible that such monumental fortunes could be accumulated by performers whose songs have barely escaped the hackneyed teenybopper genre? But more important, what do the rise and triumph of Swift and Perry tell us about the current image of women in entertainment?
...But middle-class white girls, told that every career is open to them and encouraged to excel at athletics, are faced with slacker white boys nagged by the PC thought police into suppressing their masculinity -- which gets diverted instead into video games and the flourishing genre of online pornography.'

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"Ruining women"??? Just exactly how-- by in essence saying to them you can make as much $ as you want to doing whatever you can to get other girls and young women to pay for? Just as you pointed out, they're raking in millions from doing what? Singing this and that and selling lip gloss to teen-age girls.

Frankly Camille I do not know what you're complaining about. Ever thought that maybe Joan Crawford, et al., are not seen much in movies because they're extremely rich and don't need to work anymore? There are no roles for older women in Hollywood?? Tell that to Judy Dench!

I'd like to get "ruined" to the same tune that Oprah does. And as for complaining about what sells (ie, sex), guess what: It always has and always will.

If anything, the real losers in this equation are the teenage boys who are, just as you mentioned, hounded by the PC Police and left with computer games and on-line porn for entertainment. The girls get everything else, including the chance to make millions from songs about how they "kissed a girl and liked it". Really Camille, what color is the sky in your world?

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Remember when Betty Crocker and Marge Clever were superstars and girls thought of them as role models? This is not just a gender issue but more of a culture de-basing. Think of Chip who is a teenage white guy. What future does he have as a businessman making $45k a year when society says he should be striving to be that football or baseball athlete raking in $25 million a year....and complaining that the owners don't respect him.

There was a time that girls wanted to be moms (which is the most critical job in the world) and actually took the effort to be the best mom and family coordinator they could be. Never did you hear about mom sacrificing, why? because they enjoyed what they did, were proud of it, and had no pressures other than caring for the children and the home.....and produced many upstanding young individuals. Now little girls have babies, just to go through the motions of having babies but haven't the foggiest of a clue of how to properly care for them or teach them how to be stewards to society. But will fervently talk of how they are 'owed' something because they are mothers and ALL of the sacrifices they have made.

Society is creating generations of people who have ingrained in their minds that they will not be responsible for anyone other than themselves and this is a significant problem when girls create another human.

When you have society putting unrealistic goals on girls, the most important and easily obtainable goal of being a mom and a leader of the home, is unwanted and overlooked...and there have been and will continue to be harsh consequences for this train of thought in our future.

I'm a guy so let's talk baseball - I remember the first $100 million dollar contract, which went to Kevin Brown in 1999. $105 million. This was an astonishing and unprecedented number for a baseball contract. Today, just 14 years later, many players feel they are oppressed for having contracts that are merely $50 million. yes $50 million. This is our society. We are so rich in what we already have but don't realize it.

Our culture -feminists- are creating a society where women believe they are owed 'something' and are inherently suppressed, oppressed, and regressed solely because they are women. Young women are being fooled by the feminist who are hiding the most easily obtainable and most important job in society from our youth and society is crumbling for this very reason.

As my ex said in a court hearing: I 'had' to take care of the children when he was deployed. Let's see, she was receiving all but $200 dollars a month from my pay as a Naval officer, did not hold any job even though the children were in school full time, and WERE WITH THE CHILDREN - WHILE I WAS AT WAR. Every day I wished I could trade places with her, but in her eyes, she was sacrificing and being punished. In total, I lost roughly 18 months of my children s' lives. There is no replacing that.

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