'So I'm a feminist troublemaker for requesting some women-only space?'

Article here. Excerpt:

'I am the kind of nutter that gives feminism a bad name. Barmy. A gender hating sexist misandrist. Childish. Selfish. Unsisterly. A saboteur and troublemaker who derails feminist debates by indulging in cheap tricks and meaningless grandstanding.

Such has been the assessment of my character and behaviour from certain quarters, following my participation on a panel after the London Feminist Film Festival screening of the glorious Lesbiana – A Parallel Revolution, a film that documents and celebrates lesbian feminism and separatism. According to a previous piece on Comment is free, I reputedly "asked all the men in the audience to leave", an intervention which was greeted with hearty applause from much of the audience, but also some consternation.

Except, for the record, that wasn't quite what happened. As the transcript of the event makes clear, what I in fact said at the beginning of the panel discussion was:

"I just wonder if there are any men that would like to show their solidarity and leave at this point, out of respect for autonomous women's space. It's a polite invitation, but I just thought you might like to consider it, as political allies. Thank you." [Cheers and applause.]
It is fascinating that such a mildly expressed invitation should have proved so controversial, and fascinating that the version of events collectively agreed by many "feminists" involves apportioning blame to me for "sabotaging" and "derailing" not just the event, but indeed the whole festival.'

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Men's studies film screening:

"I just wonder if there are any women that would like to show their solidarity and leave at this point, out of respect for autonomous men's space. It's a polite invitation, but I just thought you might like to consider it, as political allies. Thank you." [Cheers and applause.]"

Yes, no problem at all, Julia. And while we're at it, let's create "citizens only" spaces in our countries, too-- no tourists or less-than-full-citizens-allowed spaces. Even, if just temporarily in some places, for a time. I mean really, what's the difference, except for the criteria?

You're not a nutter, Jane. You're just another run of the mill feminist bigot. Enjoy your 15 mins. of fame, tarnished as it is. After all, these days, it doesn't seem to matter to most if they get noticed for what they do right in the world, just so long as they get noticed.

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Standard. When a feminist does something so sexist that she actually gets called on it, she plays the victim rather than taking responsibility.

And the comments section largely supporting her shows just how much feminism is about equality.

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