Husband not told his daughter was up for adoption

Link here. Excerpt:

'A US woman allegedly failed to tell her husband that she was putting their daughter up for adoption days after he moved to the other side of the country for a new job.

Tira Bland gave birth prematurely and allegedly signed the child over to a family of seven in Utah soon after her husband went to South Carolina for a new job with the US Army.

She then cut all contact with her husband.

A Utah judge has now given the baby's new family 60 days to return the girl, but they say they'll fight his decision.

Lawyers for father Terry Achane, who is now divorced from Ms Bland, said it was a case of human trafficking.

"Children are being bought and sold," attorney Mark Wiser told The Salt Lake Tribune.

"It is one thing that (adoption agencies) have been doing with unmarried biological fathers.

"It is in a new area when they are trying to take a child away from a married father who wants to have his child."'

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I read about this story earlier and was going to send it in. Glad someone else did.

What a terrible situation. WTF is wrong with Utah?.....I think I know the answer. The state is so heavily influences by the LDS church (Mormon religion). The Mormons control the judicial system, the adoption business, the politicians, etc. They firmly believe a child is best with a Mormon family that they will do anything to keep the child.

There really needs to be some regulation in the adoption business and heavy fines for those agencies that don't play by the rules (of course rules need to be pro-father).

BTW, is anyone else a little confused by the details (or lack of details) of this story. Did the husband know of the pregnancy? Why is the girl a year old and still not with her father?

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