I Only Hit You Because You Have A Job: Working Women And Domestic Violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'The study, conducted by two female researchers at Sam Houston State University in Texas (and supported by the university’s Crime Victim’s Institute) looked at the impact that education levels and employment status differences play in domestic or intimate partner violence in heterosexual couples and found that dual-incomed households were more than twice as likely to .

“When both male and females were employed, the odds of victimization were more than two times higher than when the male was the only breadwinner in the partnership, lending support to the idea that female employment may challenge male authority and power in a relationship,” said Franklin and Menaker in a press release.
In other words, when women work, in pursuing wages, prestige and power or developing relationships outside the home, they undermine their partners, resulting in violence. I’m not prepared to accept the characterization of men as so base that they resort to violence when undermined or even emasculated by their partners, but according to this research, there does appear to be a link.'

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Then don't get married or cohabitate, if you are SOOO afraid some nasty man you get involved with will start beating you up because he feels so "emasculated" that you have a job.

It really is that simple. For any person, male or female, who is so afraid of being a victim of DV, the one guaranteed way to avoid being so victimized is to NOT get married or cohabitate, and indeed, avoid LTRs entirely. If you're really that scared, don't do any of those things. Simple enough.

Personally, I wouldn't get involved with a woman who DIDN'T have a job. If one is an adult, he or she has to support him- or herself. You pay your own way, earn your keep. Here in 2012, really, why should this even be a subject of discussion?

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I can say, without a doubt, that this research is hopelessly biased and little more than a practice in producing ideological propaganda. The faculties that crank out this research are so feminized and biased that if you even suggest that females contribute to and cause domestic violence you will earn profound psychological, sexual (and racial, if you are a white male) forms of harassment. This is the product of professionalized feminist victimhood propaganda - the norm of indoctrination in graduate schools across America.

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