'Men fear circumcision'

Article here. Excerpt:

'THE male circumcision programme that was launched in 2009 has only seen 10% of the targeted 1,2 million men by 2015 being circumcised, a government official said yesterday.

The programme’s national coordinator in the Health and Child Welfare ministry, Sinokuthemba Xaba, was speaking during the opening of a voluntary medical male circumcision clinic in Bulawayo’s Lobengula suburb.

He said most males feared getting circumcised due to a number of factors.

“More and more men have heard about the benefits of male circumcision, but have various concerns that prevent them from getting circumcised,” Xaba said.

“Males have questions like; what if something goes wrong?

“Will the wound heal? Where will my foreskin go? These are some of the fears that we hear every day from men who are considering going for the procedure.”'

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Not to put too fine a point on it, but gee, if a piece of a woman's sexual organs were going to be cut off, suppose she'd be a little "afraid"? Yeah, and with good reason. "Relax old boy, we only want to hack off part of your d*ck!"

Gee, wonder why men fear it. Answer: because it's obviously nuts. And no one needs even the most well-meaning and best-trained of delusional medical people coming after any part of his schmeckel with a scalpel!

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