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... how you never or almost never see such an article talking about how men are better at so many things, even when quite clearly, as a class, we have been over these past 6,000 or so years? Think sciences of all kinds, art, literature, etc. As I have said before, all of civilization itself has pretty much been built by men.
In thinking about all these articles that pop up about just how superior women are to men in every way, I have to ask myself-- why so many, so frequently, so blatantly chauvinistic? We know already why it's tolerated: nymphotropism. This is already a well-identified prejudice in humanity that seems to have its roots in primitive species-survival protocols. Easy enough to explain, though hard to live with, especially for us men-folk. But what of the frequency and almost breathlessly-desperate way in which the case (such as it is) gets made?
I think it has to do with two things: circulation and psychology. By running articles touting women's superiority vis-a-vis men, it draws in loads of female readers who seem to have an almost obsessive need to get "reinforcing input" about themselves. Do men need a constant stream of articles about how superior we are to women in order for us to buy newspapers or spend time reading an on-line periodical of some kind? No. We don't seem much interested. Perhaps it's because we're usually thinking more about other things that don't revolve around obsessive thoughts regarding gender. But female readers? Selling to female readers is easy: Just find ways of telling them that women are superior to men in every possible way and they'll buy the product. The publishers wouldn't be doing it if it didn't work to bolster their readership and eventually, their profit margins.
But the whole thing really is quite pathetic. Reminds me of how before WWII there was a constant stream of propaganda from the Nazis about how inherently superior "the Aryans" were to everyone else. Was it true? No. It just made some people feel better about themselves without any actual valid reason, that's all.
Permalink Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2012-11-22 03:56
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"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality." - Ayn Rand
Have you noticed...
... how you never or almost never see such an article talking about how men are better at so many things, even when quite clearly, as a class, we have been over these past 6,000 or so years? Think sciences of all kinds, art, literature, etc. As I have said before, all of civilization itself has pretty much been built by men.
In thinking about all these articles that pop up about just how superior women are to men in every way, I have to ask myself-- why so many, so frequently, so blatantly chauvinistic? We know already why it's tolerated: nymphotropism. This is already a well-identified prejudice in humanity that seems to have its roots in primitive species-survival protocols. Easy enough to explain, though hard to live with, especially for us men-folk. But what of the frequency and almost breathlessly-desperate way in which the case (such as it is) gets made?
I think it has to do with two things: circulation and psychology. By running articles touting women's superiority vis-a-vis men, it draws in loads of female readers who seem to have an almost obsessive need to get "reinforcing input" about themselves. Do men need a constant stream of articles about how superior we are to women in order for us to buy newspapers or spend time reading an on-line periodical of some kind? No. We don't seem much interested. Perhaps it's because we're usually thinking more about other things that don't revolve around obsessive thoughts regarding gender. But female readers? Selling to female readers is easy: Just find ways of telling them that women are superior to men in every possible way and they'll buy the product. The publishers wouldn't be doing it if it didn't work to bolster their readership and eventually, their profit margins.
But the whole thing really is quite pathetic. Reminds me of how before WWII there was a constant stream of propaganda from the Nazis about how inherently superior "the Aryans" were to everyone else. Was it true? No. It just made some people feel better about themselves without any actual valid reason, that's all.