University Uses Taxpayer Dollars For “War on Women” Forum

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of Michigan is defending their promotion of a feminist forum that state Republicans believe was an out-right partisan event that violated the university’s tax exempt status.
“The Republican War on Women” forum was held earlier this week and was moderated by a university employee who made political contributions to the Democratic National committee and the Obama campaign.

The event infuriated Rachel Jankowski, the president of the University of Michigan’s College Republicans.

“For a university that totes diversity and acceptance, it shows those feel good words only apply to people who espouse its shared liberal viewpoints,” she wrote. “Such hostile events have no place at a public university. Any use of taxpayer dollars to sponsor this event could be seen as participating in campaigns, which would be a violation of federal law.”'

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I am getting so sick on the "War on Woman" bullshit.

I have had so many friends and relatives end up on my Facebook about the GOP and the war on women, and how Obama will force equal pay for women but Romney will not. They have no idea what they are talking about!!!! Most are stay at home moms or have at least taken a good amount of time out of the workforce to have kids. Most of them have husbands that work for my dad or for large companies. Are they suggesting a quota or their husbands be demoted? They are shooting themselves in the foot.

And how can women be both 1- work for less and 2-get passed over for promotions. If women truly worked for less, then wouldn't they most likely be promoted? It just doesn't make any sense.

And how much free birth control and access to abortion do women need? The issue may have some validity, but it is difficult for me to get behind a cause that is totally preventable by responsible behavior.

Sorry to rant, but I hold my tongue on Facebbok as I like to keep my FB family oriented and non-political and I have been needing to vent.

And more related to the is completely innapropriate and against the rules to use taxpayer money for this. I don't see how they can try and justify it with a straight face.

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Deleted, moved to be reply to Kris

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No pol ever went bust pandering to the female demo. Never. As for how can this happen, that's easy: "Nymphotropisn knows no bounds.". No logic, reason, or obvious realities can challenge it. Like the sun rising daily, there just ain't no stoppin' it. That's why the fight against it is largely about making people aware it exists, exposing its effects and getting them to at least be aware of it so they know it when they see it and keep it from clouding their judgment. But it'll always be the knee-jerk emotional response whenever there's any issue involving females.

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I am finally going to respond to some of my well-intended FB friends.

Can someone direct me to a post or link about how many commmittees the white house has dedicated to women's issues. And/or federal programs that are for females only.

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