'Frightened Men Love Mitt Romney'

Article here. Excerpt:

'These are the facts you don't want to know. This is the hard data that can make you cringe, that can despoil the soul and make you wonder at the sad state of the modern world, and gender politics, and the tragically deceived hearts of (ahem) men.

All that progress! All that supposed enlightenment! All that push and desire, that evolution and that open-hearted possibility! And for what? For naught! For shame!

Maybe I was just blocking it out. Maybe I just didn't want to recall just how wide, how gnarled, how ugly the gender gap was in the last presidential election, when a strong majority of American men for some godforsaken reason wanted McCain and a huge majority of women understandably wanted Obama, and it was all tied to an antiquated idea that the modern male still hadn't evolved much beyond his own chauvinistic posturing and the hollow, old-school, might-makes-right machismo McCain so wobblingly represented.

Not even close. Here is your brutal nutshell takeaway: If only women voted, Obama wins in a landslide. If only men voted, Romney wins in a landslide. (Taken further: If only Latinos, blacks, celebrities, college grads, professors, scientists, poets, Burning Man attendees, book readers, trees, oceans, major cities or college towns across America voted, Obama nails it, wholly and true. If only rich CEOs, gun owners, upper managers, rednecks, shut-ins and guys who think Muslims are terrorists, Mexicans are lazy house painters and feminazis are ruining porn voted, Romney is a mutant and faraway god).

All of which leads to the most depressing conclusion of all: Older white males remain the most terrified, lopsided, confused demographic in all of America, perhaps even more acutely -- and more embarrassingly -- in this election than any other in modern history.
Upshot: Confused middle-aged white guys of every height and state are looking around in increasing terror/desperation for some hint of stability, someone to validate -- however wrongly, however dishonestly -- their waning powers, and finding only charlatan mushball Mitt Romney and the sneering misogyny of the GOP. Hey, better than nothing, right? Here you go, bro, have a beer and a layoff and some Glenn Beck jeans to go with your sexist binder full of women, courtesy the Bush worldview and Romney's promise of more of same. Hey, at least he hates the gays!

We must remain calm...'

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I really think there's a Pulitzer in there for him! :)

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A lot of white men are frightened.

They're frightened they'll never find a job as long as Obama is President.

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