Celebrating International Day of the Girl

Link here. From the USAID Newsletter:

'In December 2011, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution declaring Oct. 11 the International Day of the Girl Child.

The day was established to recognize girls' rights and the unique challenges they face around the world. This year marks the first time this day in honor of girls is being observed and provides an occasion for reaching out and educating others about the status of girls.

See USAID's vision on ending child marriage and meeting the needs of married children.'

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"Recognizing the unique challenges boys face, the UN has adopted The International Day of the Boy..."

*shakes head*.. sorry, drifted off there for a second... that must have been a dream of some kind...

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I don't support child marriage. The girls become mothers before they have skills needed to create their own path in life and then find themselves trapped. But it's not the worst thing. Marriage also has benefits.

What about young boys who are forced to be soldiers or slaves. That is much worse.

Why can't this organization promote choices and educational paths for both boys and girls so neither of them become trapped at a young age.

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And boys are apparently expendable.

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It's that simple, Kris. Girls matter, boys don't. It's all part of nymphotropism, just one more head on the hydra.

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