The War Against Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'On a radio show one morning last year, a female professor at a well-known university tossed off the thought that if men are just going to hang out with their pals at the bar every night, women will take a pass on having kids with them. She didn't cite any studies, and she almost certainly didn't know any men who fit that description. But it didn't matter.

Casually disparaging the entire male gender is not only the last socially acceptable prejudice, it's a national pastime. Later I asked friends to name a few things men do well, and the answers ranged from "Leave the toilet seat up" to a flat-out "Nothing." Men have become a necessary evil—and maybe not all that necessary, once artificial sperm moves out of the lab and into a uterus. At the same time, women have become so disproportionately admired by both sexes that psychologists call this phenomenon the "women are wonderful" effect.
Feminism notwithstanding, everybody understands that it's still a world where women and children come first. And we're okay with that because when it comes to survival of the species (or the family), men are just not as precious. But that context can sometimes make the modern urge to focus on female victims—while stepping gingerly past heaped-up male corpses—a little unseemly. For instance, a recent New York State report on post-9/11 deaths among first responders at the World Trade Center solemnly noted that 13 percent of victims were women. You had to go to a table to find out that the other 87 percent were . . . oh, never mind.'

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There isn't much history in here except broad generalizations about historical gender roles, etc. He left out the hard facts: That if you live in a place surrounded by anything modern (electricity, plumbing, modern gov't and its services, inventions obtainable only by extraordinary math and science, etc., etc.), then you definitely need to thank a man. No, a lot of men. Amazed he overlooked this.

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